Wednesday, October 1, 2014

Rooted In Green

Due to severe drought,, the higher cost of water
and lawn maintenance, the board  recommends
that all grass be ripped out and replaced with rock,
soil and plants native to the area,.
                                               Letter From The Housing Association.
Half sick of  shadows
on stone and sand, the lack of boxwood leaves
and vine -- I wake
                                from a dream
leaning toward the window. There is still grass
outside. The wind plucks it
like a green zither. Its blades vibrate with bee, cricket
and most lithely --- that Amherst  belle
wandering the song in a white dress,
her hair loose, the hair pins in her palm
like dashes waiting to be dispersed.
 Fragment an idea. shatter resolve
 into corners, rush together
what seems unrelated but really is.
These are her ways
of  emerging from a poem's rib
breathing erratically
                                 into truth.
And so, I should say to those
who would bald our lawns
and turn them into rough
plots of rock, dirt and cactus ,
it's a way to save water --
levitate  dust, lower the cost
of landscaping -- and leave any
coolness-of -place -- or mind
in peril of losing
their incarnation. More intangible --
                                                  than myth.
Note -- "The Amherst Belle" is an allusion to 19th Century poet, Emily Dickinson. She was given this title firstby playwright, William Luce.


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