each have their own gossip, their own sound, their own rustling
and smells.
Charles Lint
In the warm
wind, trees text each other,
leaf flutter
the ripe scent
of berry and
pine, the breath
of sawn wood --
until a woman interrupts
crossing their path on wheels.
Again, the texting starts
a shake of leaves, a sway of branch,
the quandary of what to say.
or Hepburn,
the latter
seems more savvy;
her wide-brimmed hat
floating black with a scarf
of Go-lightly,
Her shadow making it two
the road
of one,
and her eyes, large and lovely.
Their chestnut light
into a glide, you gaze at yourself
and the charade
of Autumn pretending
to be Summer. Its surveillance of birds
Marie-France's whimsical painting , "Bonne Rentree" inspired this poem
which has a light-hearted supposition. If trees have a language of their own,
thoughts and spirit, how would they feel in a rustic world underscored by
modern tourists and technology? They might communicate with each other through
an invisible scripting of leaf /branch movement, scent and shadow, the angle of
light and wind. It would be their version of "texting". And having witnessed the urban arrival of
people from different parts of the city and suburbs, they would become acquainted with the more sophisticated
ways of the cosmopolitan world, even perhaps, have viewed their own
countryside being used for a movie set/location.
So what happens then when a woman rides her bicycle through
their region resembling the late actress, Audrey
Hepbrun? How would they define her? What word would they use to describe
her presence? That becomes the capricious debate in this poem. Using a
vernacular term like "cyclist" would be commonplace,
general and lacking a certain "savoir faire". It would make them
seem as rustic trees that have never expanded their horizons , typically used
to seeing hikers, bikers and woodsmen who rather look all the same with their
gear and clothing. Yet, this sudden intrusion of a chic woman crossing
their path on wheels gives them a chance to employ their wit and
imagination. A singular, ingenious word that would convey their savvy
intelligence. And that would be calling her "Hepburn" because of all the similarities in her look, motion
and interaction with the scene that makes them reminiscent of the actress and her film history.
Those movies would include:
"Breakfast At
Tiffany's", "Two For the
Road" and "Charade".
More of Marie-France's wonderful art work can be found at :
I like the idea of trees texting each other. That's putting the poem in current times!
Unique and fun!
Hi Yvonne
Yes, that was the point of writing it plus some wonderful memories of Terri Windling's older blogs on the "Language of Earth" and "The Blessings of Trees"
The painting was done by a French artist who is also a good friend of mine. She lives in Paris with her husband and son and works in the medium of pastel chalks and water color, occassionaly, acrylics.
again thank you!
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