Friday, March 25, 2016

From Brussels

A child bends
to light a candle. Her prayer
flutters inside a glass jar.
A sparrow
shuttles between air and ground
trying to find
a safe spot to feed. 
And a woman wraps
a scarf round her neck
to battle the chill,  to bandage
the moment with  hand-woven wool
spun and rinsed in Ireland,
overcast in gray. The  color
of storm clouds broken, bread-soft  
and drifting out to sea.


Yvonne D'Angelo said...

Love your imagery. Enjoyed reading over all your March Works.
Especially enjoyed " a ring sunken in the grass", how simple yet how true.
Lament of the Cuckoo- likened to lament of the soul?
As an artist and a Daughter of the King Prayer leader I was blessed to observe a soul ina a meditation a long time ago. I need to paint that visualization one day..
I feel special to have the honor to read your beautiful poetry Gwendrina.
Many thanks.....}{

Gwendrina said...

Hi Yvonne

Many thanks to you for gracing my work with your beautiful comments and insight. I deeply appreciate them and am so glad you are enjoying my poetry. And I hope you find the time someday to paint that visualization of "a soul in meditation". It sounds like it would be a very extraordinary painting, beautiful and spiritually blessed.

Again, thank you so much!
My Best